I declare writing season open! Well at least for myself. No more excuses, more setbacks, no more shoulda, woulda, coulda it’s time for me to pick up this pen (so to speak) and take that first step… in my case leap. I’ve taken the step numerous times and even carried that into several steps but every year I find myself starting over Why do you say then would I keep starting over , why no go work in retail? Or just focus on my kids and call it a day?? Well the simple answer to that is because I cannot, no matter how hard I try, I cannot shut off that slew of voices in my head just begging for their stories to be told. I can’t sleep sometimes until I scribble the words blaring within my brain, I cringe at the countless things I observe in the world that are begging to be described and are not. I can not let me dream go unrealized or at least untried.
Let us raise our pens or keyboards and begin!